Tag Archives: personal

Favorite Quotes And What They Do For Me

17 Aug

If you’re ever in a rut or find yourself generally bored with life, I’d highly recommend to start collecting some inspirational quotes and writing them down. It’s very unlikely you’ll find a negative quote that will put you down, only ones that will uplift you with positivity! Lately I’ve just had a bad attitude and have been living on auto-pilot. I knew in the back of my mind I needed to somehow change it, but the bad mood keeps you sitting there thinking something wonderful has to come along and knock you off you’re feet. That’s a cheap way out, you can do it yourself. I took my fate in my own hands and starting surrounding myself with positivity, and my attitude immediately felt lighter and cheerier! Here’s some quotes I took to heart.

“All things are perfect exactly as they are.” -Buddha

I often wonder and worry about my relationship and why it’s not perfect, why my inner thighs touch and why I’m not making the money I want to be making. The better question is, WHY ask questions!? I am a perfect, whole being, and I know that because I was made that way, we all were. My life is a cultivation of everything me, so it’s already exactly as it should be! This is where acceptance and appreciation come in 🙂

“The art of life is a constant readjustment of our surroundings.” -Kakuzo Okakura

How beautiful it is that we can cultivate the life we want. If something is out of order or putting us out of balance and harmony it is a wonderful thing how our minds and spirit detect it and try to guide us back in sync. It’s true! We naturally seek to keep in balance and our body fights for this equilibrium. Human beings are amazing, self-sufficient machines and you already have all the tools you need to put your life where you want it!

“Be patient with all that is unresolved in your heart, and try to love the questions themselves.” -Rainer Maria Rilke

My body and mind often creates a lot of anxiety and tension when something is up in the air in my life and I don’t know what to do next. That’s a magical place to be in! Learn to love the uncertainty, because you have your whole life to “know” how it worked out and the time that you didn’t will be fond memories!

“Each friend represents a world in us, a world possibly not born until they arrive, and it is only by this meeting that a new world is born” -Anais Nin

I feel really fulfilled when I’ve made a connection with a friend or new person, and it puts a smile on my face for the rest of the day. I often realize when alone that there are new things about myself that I’ve discovered and an exciting new child is awoken in me again, ready to explore it. After an extended time with not much social contact I start to feel like something is missing and crave interaction, I want to new discoveries! It’s important to talk with all sorts of people in all walks of life, ones that can expose you to things you’ve never considered. It’s essential for your growth as a human!

I’d really love to read any quotes you hang on to that are inspirational, please write them in the comment section! Open a new world for me! We all need a little inspiration and motivation to keep that spark alive in us 🙂

Honoring My Favorite Things and Planning My Life Transformation

30 Jul

Yes, I said planning. You’ll see what I mean.

If you read wellness blogs as much as I do, I’m sure you’re familiar with the practices of meditation, yoga, general exercise, deep breathing, affirmations and the like all to bring about inner-happiness and harmony. I’ve realized that I’ve read a lot on these subjects, even understand and believe the benefits, but fail to practice them myself. Occasionally when I’m in a good mood and get inspired (and when the house is clean and have nothing to do) I’ll try them out, but soon lose patience and get bored. Why? I’m completely sold on the idea of how transforming it can be for your life but haven’t taken the steps to practice it. I guess I’m a reader and believer but not a do-er, and have settled in to a comfort zone in my life. But with comfort comes boredom, and I know deep down that my life could be transformed for the better in ways I don’t even see possible now. So the big question is: how do I get there? I need a plan. I’m a big believer in baby steps and easing into a process as opposed to diving head first and subsequently falling out of it. So this is my first baby step, Honoring My 10 Favorite Things. I’m putting myself on a goal path, starting out with small daily practices of gratitude and appreciation of my current life and ending with consistent practices of nourishing my soul through fitness and meditation. I will stop thinking/analyzing and start doing, and I just know my life will be different. I’ll update through here during the process.

So let me get started with gratitude: My 10 Favorite things.

  1. My early morning routine of making my breakfast while kitty plays at my feet, then drinking my coffee/tea and reading my favorite motivational blogs while kitty naps next to me. Feeling the stillness of morning.
  2. The ritual of “rolling” with my boyfriend. Sometimes we’re zoned in on whatever we’re doing and we realize we feel a little distant. In a moment we’ll give each other a look, and run off into the bedroom to literally roll on top of each other. It seriously brightens our day.
  3. Taking a perfect photo of a thing, person or place that means a lot to me and printing it out for keepsake.
  4. Discovering a new recipe, shopping for the ingredients and serving it for my boyfriend and I, (or a crowd).
  5. Getting anywhere out of LA into the countryside or especially the forest. Seriously, I need to recharge in nature from LA sometimes.
  6. Feeling so accomplished that I don’t feel guilty allowing myself a treat/cheat.
  7. Editing photos after a great photo shoot, paired with great music and a cup of tea.
  8. Having a great conversation with my boyfriend, a family member or friend. The kind that makes connections and plans and leaves you feeling inspired, fulfilled and closer to them.
  9. Learning a new thing that will help me. I love researching and gathering knowledge.
  10. Taking care of someone I love by cooking for them, listening, showing kindness, anything they truly need at the moment.

Now on to my next step, creating a wellness goal chart. I’ll share it in a post later 🙂

Introducing myself // what I wore

3 May

Hey there, this is me… don’t I look happy? That’s some model face muggin’ right there…

ImageBut I just can’t help it 😛 I was pretty happy though. Today was a no make up, no shower kind of day and those are happy days. Even better with my man around, we just ran some errands, had to look somewhat cute as I was going into my agency. Fun stuff.

I’m on borrowed style here. As I’ve said before, we’re living in our friends apartment while she’s abroad in Australia. She has a vintage line…. grabbed an item or two to complete my outfit here hehe. Nothing special with this thrown together outfit…. vintage hat over a side braid, vintage knit green crop sweater, Flying Monkey skinnys, cheap Target oxfords, Imoshion red bag… and can’t forget my water tumbler 🙂

Style on, lovers!
